ISDEV Homepage

Programme Structure

The Programme is offered to train and teach candidates to manage development the Islamic way. It represents a unique and first of its kind field of study that integrates management and Islamic-based development in a holistic manner.

  1. Provide an education package that is applicable and skill-based in managing development the Islamic way;
  2. Train future managers of development to be a manager of development with integrity and high moral standards as well as skilled to manage development holistically;
  3. Help to develop and mobilize human capital of the nation’s workforce as required by the Government of Malaysia in particular and other countries in general, as well as to contribute to the attainment of the policy on sustainability and globalization of Universiti Sains Malaysia.

  1. Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh
  2. Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad (Coordinator)
  3. Dr. Zakaria Bahari
  4. Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi
  5. Dr. Mohamad Zaini Abu Bakar
  6. Dr. Zahri Hamat

Duration of the Program
The Programme is offered full-time. The minimum duration of studies is 3 semesters (18 months) and maximum is 6 semesters (36 months).

Graduation Requirement
Candidates need to accumulate forty (40) credits consisting of four (4) compulsory courses which are three (3) credits for each course and a Dissertation that consists of twenty-eight (28) credits.
Type of Courses
Number of Courses
Credit (Units)

The credit for the compulsory course includes two (2) fundamental compulsory courses and two (2) specialized compulsory courses. There are four (4) specializations offered and candidates are required to choose only one (1) of these specialized courses. The specializations offered are:-
  1. Islamic-based Development
  2. Management of Islamic Development Institutions
  3. Management of Islamic Assets Development
  4. Islamic Political Economy

Course Code and Title
Course Type
Course Title
Compulsory Basic Courses
Islamic Epistemology and Worldview
Islamic Research Methodology
Compulsory Specialized Courses
Islamic-Based Development
Islamic-Based Development
Human Development
Management of Islamic Development Institutions
Management of Islamic Development Institutions
Personality Development For Institution Managers
Management of Islamic Asset Development
Management of Islamic Asset Development
Human Development For Asset Managers
Islamic Political Economy
Islamic Political Economy
The Practice Of Governance For Islamic Political Economists

Evaluation System
Candidates are evaluated according to the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system with the course grade scale spread as presented in the table below. For the purpose of graduation, it is mandatory for candidates to obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.50. Each candidate is allowed to repeat the course to increase his/her CGPA in the event the grade obtained is C+ or lower.
Grade Point

Conferment of Graduation
Successful candidates to complete all the conditions will be conferred the Master in Social Science (Islamic Development Management).

Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV)
Candidates of this programme have the opportunity to utilize the facilities and activities of the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) that pioneers the field of Islamic Development Management.

The course registration by semester is set out in the following table:
Islamic Epistemology and Worldview

Islamic Research Methodology
Islamic-Based Development Specialisation
Islamic-Based Development
Human Development
Management of Islamic Development Institutions Specialisation
Management of Islamic Development Institutions
Personality Development For Institution Managers
Management of Islamic Asset Development Specialisation
Management of Islamic Asset Development
Human Development For Asset Managers
Islamic Political Economy Specialisation
Islamic Political Economy
The Practice Of Governance For Islamic Political Economists

SIW505/3 – Islamic Epistemology and Worldview
This course will expose students to a few fundamental aspects of Islamic studies before they embark further into this programme. Discussions on the Islamic epistemology will give the opportunity to students to understand well the basis and source of knowledge in Islam. This will enable students to sieve through and assess every branch of knowledge received by them with the standards of Islamic teachings. In addition discussions on worldview enable students to get a holistic picture, complete and all encompassing pertaining to the contents of Islamic teachings as well as the specialized characteristics as the revelation from Allah SWT. Thereafter students will be exposed to the position and role of each creation on this earth in the context of development management of human lives as required by the rulings in Islam.

SIW506/3 – Islamic Research Methodology
This course stresses on the four main themes in research, that is, the fundamentals of Social Sciences research, research design, collection and the analysis of data. At the beginning of the course, an evaluation from the Islamic perspective will be carried out on these existing themes in conventional Social Sciences. Thereafter the Islamic research methodology according to these will be developed. Both of these will be carried out with the integration of lectures activities and outdoor activities conducted practically and hands-approach adopted.

SVW500/28 – Dissertation
This course gives students the opportunity to develop actual experience in conducting research. This course is a continuation theoretically and practically to the course SIW506/3 – Islamic Research Methodology. In the SIW506/3 Course, students are exposed to the research methodology aspects and related matters on the writing of a Dissertation proposal. This Dissertation represents the actual research. The end result is an academic document that does not contain more that 25,000 words, following the format suggested by A Guide to the Preparation, Submission and Examination of Theses prepared by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, USM. Each student is required to register for this course in Semester II. Student will be assigned to a particular lecturer for supervision purposes of this course. The field of research must be regarding Islamic-based Development. A Dissertation that has met the required standards needs to submit two months before the end of Semester I of the next Academic Session (Academic Session 2012/13). The Dissertation will be evaluated by the student’s Dissertation supervisor, one internal examiner and one appointed external examiner. They will determine the student’s final grade for Dissertation based on the marking scale of the university.

SVW501/3 – Islamic-based Development
This course starts with the discussion on the concept and principles of Islamic-based development. It is then followed by an analysis of the approach used in the strategy of Islamic-based development, especially the top-down approach and bottom-up approach and discussion on today’s implementation issues of Islamic-based development. At the end of the course an assessment will be carried out with students pertaining to the application of the most suitable approach used in the socio-economy and politics of today.

SVW502/3 – Human Development
This course provides the emphasis on the four main elements of quality human development. The things are spiritual development, physical development, mental development and emotional development. It will start with discussions on the philosophy, the concept and complete process of Quality Human Development. Thereafter evaluation on these four items of Quality Human Development will be carried out in-depth. This is followed by a minute discussion on contemporary challenges, the usage of Quality Human Development in Islamic-based development management and the development of a suitable Quality Human Development model of contemporary situation.

SYW500/28 – Dissertation
This course gives students the opportunity to develop actual experience in conducting research. This course is a continuation theoretically and practically to the course SIW506/3 – Islamic Research Methodology. In the SIW506/3 Course, students are exposed to the research methodology aspects and related matters on the writing of a Dissertation proposal. This Dissertation represents the actual research. The end result is an academic document that does not contain more that 25,000 words, following the format suggested by A Guide to the Preparation, Submission and Examination of Theses prepared by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, USM. Each student is required to register for this course in Semester II. Student will be assigned to a particular lecturer for supervision purposes of this course. The field of research must be regarding Management of Islamic Development Institution. A Dissertation that has met the required standards needs to submit two months before the end of Semester I of the next Academic Session (Academic Session 2012/13). The Dissertation will be evaluated by the student’s Dissertation supervisor, one internal examiner and one appointed external examiner. They will determine the student’s final grade for Dissertation based on the marking scale of the university.

SYW501/3 – Management of Islamic Development Institutions
This course reviews and evaluates critically three main aspects in managing Islamic development institutions. First, the management basics of Islamic development institutions which include the philosophy and fundamental concepts of Islamic-based management, analyze the differences between the management methods of institutions in the West and Japan with the management methods of Islamic-based development, the fundamental philosophy that forms the basis of an Islamic development institution and the basic principles of Islamic-based management that should inherently exist in a manager’s life that is al-‘Ubudiyyah (servant), al-Khilafah (leadership), al-Adalah (justice), al-Syura (syura), al-Mas’uliyah (conscientiousness), al-Ta’ah (obedience), al-Itqan (perseverance) and ‘Amal Jama’I (togetherness). Second, the tools needed in managing an Islamic development institution that includes the institution’s decision making based on the financial management and accounting, institution’s business ethics or services, institution’s corporate communications, strategy and  institution’s product or services marketing techniques, institution’s project management and the institution’s information system management.  Third, the issues regarding the management affairs of Islamic development institution that includes the institutions social responsibility, institution’s globalization strategy, conflict and crisis management in the institution and the legal aspects of comparable development institutions.

SYW502/3 – Personality Development for Institutional Managers
This course provides the emphasis on the four main elements of personality development of an individual. The elements are spiritual development, physical development, mental development and emotional development. It will start with discussions on the philosophy, the concept and complete process of personality development. Thereafter evaluation on these four elements of personality development will be carried out in-depth. It includes the knowledge on the methods to manage the soul and internal conflicts by recognizing the noble and honourable values (mahmudah) and despicable values (mazmumah) within the man theoretically and practically. Discussions will include aspects on man’s creation, the tazkiyah al-nafs methods, the concept of akhlaq, noble and honourable values and despicable values and the relationship of man with Allah and within men. In addition analysis on a group of noble and honourable values which are needed in managing development institution will also be made. This is followed with a detailed discussion on contemporary challenges, the usage of personality development in the management of Islamic development institutions and the development of an appropriate personality development model to suit contemporary situation.

SZW500/28 – Dissertation
This course gives students the opportunity to develop actual experience in conducting research. This course is a continuation theoretically and practically to the course SIW506/3 – Islamic Research Methodology. In the SIW506/3 Course, students are exposed to the research methodology aspects and related matters on the writing of a Dissertation proposal. This Dissertation represents the actual research. The end result is an academic document that does not contain more that 25,000 words, following the format suggested by A Guide to the Preparation, Submission and Examination of Theses prepared by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, USM. Each student is required to register for this course in Semester II. Student will be assigned to a particular lecturer for supervision purposes of this course. The field of research must be regarding Management of Islamic Assets Development. A Dissertation that has met the required standards needs to submit two months before the end of Semester I of the next Academic Session (Academic Session 2012/13). The Dissertation will be evaluated by the student’s Dissertation supervisor, one internal examiner and one appointed external examiner. They will determine the student’s final grade for Dissertation based on the marking scale of the university.

SZW501/3 – Management of Islamic Assets Development
This course is intended to complement students with knowledge and experience in the management of Islamic assets that are divided into three categories: 1) Ilahiyyah Assets, that is, assets that are based on al-Quran and al-hadith such as faraidzakatwakaf, donations and charitable alms; (2) Social security assets such as takaful, ar-rahnu (pawn broking) and syirkah, and (3) Financial Assets such as sukuk and capital market. At the end of the course student is expected to have the ability to understand the basic concepts, mechanism, application management and development of Islamic assets; has the capability to analyse the conception, mechanism, application of existing Islamic assets; and has the knowledge on the Islamic assets generation according to Islam, as well as the ability to use the assets to expenses that are efficient and effective.

SZW502/3 –Human Development for Assets Managers
This course is intended to introduce students to the methods of human development holistically including spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects. It is also intended to provide knowledge and skills to students in managing students’ noble and honourable values (mahmudah) and despicable values (mazmumah) both theoretically and practically. It is hoped that students would be able to manage and develop the soul compatible to the ideal requirements for a manager of Islamic Assets Development. 

SXW500/28 – Dissertation
This course gives students the opportunity to develop actual experience in conducting research. This course is a continuation theoretically and practically to the course SIW506/3 – Islamic Research Methodology. In the SIW506/3 Course, students are exposed to the research methodology aspects and related matters on the writing of a Dissertation proposal. This Dissertation represents the actual research. The end result is an academic document that does not contain more that 25,000 words, following the format suggested by A Guide to the Preparation, Submission and Examination of Theses prepared by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, USM. Each student is required to register for this course in Semester II. Student will be assigned to a particular lecturer for supervision purposes of this course. The field of research must be regarding Islamic Political Economy. A Dissertation that has met the required standards needs to submit two months before the end of Semester I of the next Academic Session (Academic Session 2012/13). The Dissertation will be evaluated by the student’s Dissertation supervisor, one internal examiner and one appointed external examiner. They will determine the student’s final grade for Dissertation based on the marking scale of the university.

SXW501/3 – Islamic Political Economy
This course attempts to provide in-depth study on political economy to students with the main emphasis on its theory and practice. This course endeavours to integrate the field of political science within the framework of Islamic political economy. Students will be trained to grasp their knowledge and technique for the following 3 matters (1) analyse the political process, (2) understand its institution framework, and (3) the formation of public policies from within the Islamic perspective framework. It is hoped that students at the end of the course will have the knowledge and skills in processing the formation of public policies, analsye public policies, good governance of public policies, good governance of the economy and financial matters as well as business and corporate transactions.

SXW502/3 –Good Governance Practices for Political Economists
The main thrust of this course is to produce students who have the characteristics that are in accordance to the human capital principles in Islam. Thus, this course reinforces students’ personality development in the social and environmental context. The course focuses on personality formation aspects, physical characteristics, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of students. From these it is hoped that a balanced individual is formed and brings out a harmonious society. The adjudication of the course components and assignments activities are based on the “amal makruf nahi mungkar” principles. The assignments component will direct students towards competency in the filed that is embarked upon graduation. Thus this course will integrate fundamental issues in political economy with the elements of self’s skills formation.

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